How do I book seat in Etihad flight?
How do I reserve my seat on Etihad?
You can book a flight ticket on Ethihad in a much easier way. But before booking a seat on Etihad you should know the benefit of booking the ticket on Etihad. Etihad provides more benefits than other aviation as it provides neighbor free are for 3 consecutive seats. The best thing about booking a ticket in Etihad is the customer service and also do provide a discount to the student.
Step to book a seat in Etihad
- You can book a ticket via the mobile app and also the website
- The website of Etihad is and in the mobile app, you can simply click the Etihad mobile app.
- The different types of option you will be getting on your website and mobile app. From there visit on booking. ( next step of both website and app will be similar)
- After clicking on a book you will be getting a different kind of option as your trip in that select book flight. Then fill in your boarding details such as class, date of boarding, boarding, and destination city. And after filing up the detail click on search flight.
- When you will click on search flight 5 different pop up will appear.
1. Boarding and destination detail- Check boarding and destination detail.
2. Passenger- Detail of passenger
3. Seat selection- Then select your seat which seat is your favorite.
4. Extras- If you are carrying any extra pieces of baggage
5. Payment- Complete your payment option to confirm a booking on Etihad.
Although, the Etihad seat selection is comfortable and allow choosing from various options. While you face any difficulties please contact to customer executive for guidance.
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